Thursday, February 21, 2019

Discovering the Rothko Chapel Paintings, Finis

After Epiphany Friday I went back to the Rothko Chapel both of my last two days in Houston but did not stay as long on either day as I had on Friday. A couple of hours Saturday and about an hour Sunday.

The ladies had loosened up, had warmed to me a little, greeted me friendly, chatted me up, let me breathe--"He's okay, he's from Miami, came here just for this."--even bragged on me a little. "He's all the way from Miami! Been here every day."

Saturday I deliberately went back in the afternoon. The chapel is dark-ish--It's a chapel!--and the high noon sunlight does make a difference (in your appreciation of the paintings if not in your meditation). The light brings the paintings to life.

That was my discovery in Houston in 2004. Mark Rothko made animate objects out of inanimate objects. I left Sunday and came back to Rothko Chapel, Little Israel, Miami Beach. I did not discover a cure for my lethargy.