Monday, February 25, 2019

Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister, Negotiated JCPOA, Resigns Suddenly

Who? You'll know him when you see him.
Kerry's main walking buddy besides Sergey Lavrov. Spent years, miles, negotiating the nuclear deal, which Trump walked back, with John-John.

Ayatollah Khamenei put faith in President Hassan Rouhani who put faith in Zarif who put faith in Kerry to negotiate in good faith a fair, "joint comprehensive" nuclear limitations agreement with the hated Americans.That faith through all of those faith links was misplaced for the world recognizes that the America 2.0 regime is a failing state, illegitimate, not to be trusted and not trusted. Iran was certified to be in compliance with the JCPOA but Trump, doing the bidding of Israel and Saudi Arabia, refused to sign the certification and is preparing to war on Iran and Zarif, announcing his resignation today on Instagram, wrote of his "inability to continue to serve" as foreign minister. Iran will now restart its nuclear program and prepare for war itself.

There is no nation in the world so capable of greatness, with whom the U.S. should work, could work, did work, that is yet so demonized by the America 2.0 regime that no work can get done, as is Iran.