Monday, February 11, 2019

This Month

Search Keywords

new spring football league 2019
lightning occurances in cleveland ohio area in december 2017
2019 spring football league
anna politkovskaya
bian zhongyun
by virtue of my natal constellation; which wrought me so i never could withdraw my venus- chamber from a good fellow.
cultural revolution
letter stella elizabeth williamson wrote
liu shaoqi
liu shaoqi public

The new spring football league got off to a pretty doggone good start. The Association of American Football's first telecast outdrew (2.1-2.0) the NBA game between OKC and Houston We Have a Beard.

"lightning occurrances in cleveland ohio" are what happen to people there who can't spell.

"anna politkovskaya" was murdered by Putin.

"bian zhongyun" was murdered by Mao, as was "liu shaoqi."

"cultural revolution" is the name given to the controversy over whether evolution should be taught in public schools in Texas.

"by view of my natal constellation" I am a very horny girl who "never could withdrawe my Venus Chamber from a good fellawe be he long or short blak or whit." (Geoffrey Chaucer, Wife of Bath Prologue)

In a "letter stella elizabeth williamson wrote" in 1960 Fat Girl confessed to murdering four of her five babies, one nine months to one year old, in the 1920's and 1930's. The letter was contained in an envelope on which Williamson had written "to be opened after my burial", opening it before her burial may have jeopardized her Fat Deadness being dropped in a hole in the ground of her choosing and proper for the respectable life she lived and contrariwise may have occasioned her being kept above ground mounted on sticks and hung out as silent sentinel in a cornfield as scarecrow and serving as lifelong sustenance for all the crows in Cambria County. Williamson's kept man Guy K. Schrack obeyed his mistress's command and didn't open the letter until Fats was safely in the ground in Richland Cemetery (Guy was buried right next to her) following her demise in 1980. The letter directed the inquisitive--who did not number the emasculated Schrack nor any resident of Gallitzin, Pennsylvania--to "an old trunk in the attic" which she had deemed the proper burial venue for her babies which she birthed since she never could withhold her Venus Chamber from Howard Drass and no one, not one of the Pinball Wizards of Gallitzin knew anything about Fat Williamson ever being knocked up with child, never heard a baby cry or saw the comely face of the product of the Williamson-Drass DNA, or at least said they didn't, that's their story and they're sticking to it, and so Williamson, Drass, Schrack and all of Gallitzin evaded the long arm of the law in Cambria County which may have been shorter than usual owing to amputation due to a mining accident or the like but which did stir in the mind of the undersigned homicide defense attorney the idea to gesture north to the salubrious clime of Gallitzin whenever any of his clients even touched upon the desirability of relocation especially if they thought that the urge to murder might steal over them again.