Monday, June 01, 2015

Three Amigos.

The last man whose presidential bumpersticker was disgraced by the back of my rust bucket of a car was "JOE!" Lieberman, in...2004? McCain ran in 2008 and today the last of the Three Amigos, Lindsey Graham, announced that he is running for the Republican nomination in 2016.

Those three guys were friends, not just political allies. That's rare in politics today. Hell, that's unknown in politics today.

They made each other laugh.

They thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

They traveled together.

Their fun was contagious.

I'm just sayin'. It's not the most important thing in politics, not by a long stretch, but it's something. Politics doesn't have to be so serious--so serious all the time! Boehner, Obama, McConnell, they have no close friends who are also in politics, they have political allies, they have friends outside politics, but none in politics. McConnell--"Why don't YOU have a drink with Mitch McConnell!" (One of the best lines I've ever heard.)--actually did what Obama fretters took as a favor a few weeks ago: "No, the president doesn't have many close relationships on the Hill but it doesn't matter, it's all business."

No, it's not all business.