Tuesday, October 18, 2016

President Obama, I Really, Like You

OBAMA: OK. We’re going to take a few questions, and I will start with Kevin Freking of A.P.

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton talks too tough about Vladimir Putin, and that both of you insult the Russian leader. He also said that if elected, he might meet with the Russian leader before his inauguration. What do you think of Trump’s approach to Putin? And how would it affect America’s interests on the international stage?
OBAMA:...Mr. Trump’s continued flattery of Mr. Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches to politics on Mr. Putin, is unprecedented in American politics, and is out of step with, not just what Democrats think but out of step with what, up until the last few months, almost every Republican thought, including some of the ones who are now endorsing Mr. Trump.

So you don’t have to explain to me how it is that some of the same leaders of the Republican Party, who were constantly haranguing us for even talking to the Russians, and who consistently took the most hawkish approaches to Russia, including Mr. Trump’s selection for vice president, now reconciles their endorsement of Mr. Trump with their previous views.
And you know, Mr. Trump rarely surprises me these days. I am much more surprised and troubled by the fact that you have Republican officials who historically have been adamantly anti-Russian and in fact have attacked me for even engaging them diplomatically now supporting and, in some cases, echoing his positions. It’s quite a reversal. You’ll have to ask them how to explain it.