Does anybody vet candidates for governor in Virginia? Anybody do any opposition research?
"Ralph" "Northam," a DEMOCRAT (!) was elected governor of Virginia in November, 2017, just over a year ago. Had a primary; had a Republican opponent in the general. This jackanapes got elected and now it comes out.
Northam is a pediatric neurosurgeon. There was a bill sponsored by another Democrat in the Virginia House or whatever they call it that provided for late term abortions--7-9 months! Northam defended the bill, said based on his experience, that such abortions are,
“done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s not viable. So in this particular example, if a mother’s in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
And I can tell you exactly what would happen then Ralphie boy: you would be arrested for first degree murder! What are you Josef Mengele?
Republicans calling him a supporter of infanticide were "shameful and disgusting," said Northam. That's what you said, you fucking BABY MURDERER!
Has no one examined Northam's practice to see if there were "stillborn" babies at his hospitals who maybe were born alive and then "died?"
Okay, so that just came up this week when Northam gave an interview, maybe nobody anticipated a baby murderer getting the Democratic nomination for governor, I get that. What about this then?
His Medical School yearbook (p 105)
Virginia GOP: Did you ever look at the motherfucker's medical school yearbook? Yeah, didn't notice anything untoward.
"Ralph" "Northam," a DEMOCRAT (!) was elected governor of Virginia in November, 2017, just over a year ago. Had a primary; had a Republican opponent in the general. This jackanapes got elected and now it comes out.
Northam is a pediatric neurosurgeon. There was a bill sponsored by another Democrat in the Virginia House or whatever they call it that provided for late term abortions--7-9 months! Northam defended the bill, said based on his experience, that such abortions are,
“done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s not viable. So in this particular example, if a mother’s in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
And I can tell you exactly what would happen then Ralphie boy: you would be arrested for first degree murder! What are you Josef Mengele?
Republicans calling him a supporter of infanticide were "shameful and disgusting," said Northam. That's what you said, you fucking BABY MURDERER!
Has no one examined Northam's practice to see if there were "stillborn" babies at his hospitals who maybe were born alive and then "died?"
Okay, so that just came up this week when Northam gave an interview, maybe nobody anticipated a baby murderer getting the Democratic nomination for governor, I get that. What about this then?
Northam has admitted to being one of the two guys in that photo. The New York Times says it is unclear which of the two is Northam. (?) Says it could be Northam on the left in blackface...(?) Quasi's--ex Quasi's--come here.
Are you fucking blind? That's not a fucking costume, you nitwits, that's a real black guy. Northam dressed in full KKK regalia, maybe borrowed from my brother I said maybe...Anyway.
That is from MEDICAL SCHOOL! Not from high school, not from college, MEDICAL SCHOOL!
His Medical School yearbook (p 105)
Virginia GOP: Did you ever look at the motherfucker's medical school yearbook? Yeah, didn't notice anything untoward.
Northam has not resigned. Senator Harris and Secretary Castro, both Demo candidates for prez have called on him to resign but Northam thinks it will take time for the healing. Fine. IMPEACH HIS ASS! GET HIM THE FUCK OUT OF THERE! GO!