Wednesday, January 20, 2021

406,001 Total Killed, 24.4M Total Sickened

This is on your desk now, boss. No excuses. Starting with the daily numbers for Jan. 21 this becomes the Biden Plague. 

2,679 Died the day before you became president.
177,256 were Sickened.

Your Chief of Staff Ron Klain predicted on Jan. 17 that 500,000 will be dead by the end of February. I like Klain. He’s good. He was being a good chief of staff even before he was a chief of staff, keeping expectations realistic for you, his boss. 

We are not playing expectation games. We don’t accept Klain’s reality. Any non-zero number of Deaths is not meeting expectations, however realistic or unrealistic. 2,292 per day, which is what Klain’s prediction amounts to, is unacceptable and unrealistic. Trump Killed 1,100 per day every day for a year. That was unacceptable. Klain’s prediction is double Trump’s year-long track record. 1,100 dying per day on your watch is unacceptable. Your goal is zero, sir, ZERO, not 2,291 not 1,099. Ze-ro. 

Our expectation is to see you and Klain and the rest of your administration working night and day, 25 hours per day, eight days a week; our expectation is that you will move mountains, do the extraordinary, do the unthinkable, and get that number to ZERO. You may fail but one preventable death IS failure. Banish this Plague and you know you will have cured two ills at once, jobs the other. You will have to devote part of your 30 hour days and your nine day weeks to the two other exestintial threats you were eager to inherit, foreign attack, and domestic attack, at the same time. You’re good at multi-tasking. Good luck, Mr Phelps.

14-day changes

-11% Cases
Flat Hospitalizations
+12% Deaths

Mr. President, would you please have someone explain those numbers?