Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Lovely Day

“Flat.” Flat is not the preferred shape in heads or Deaths graphs. After making sense for two iterations Hospitalizations and Deaths are now out of whack again.

That’s not a toggly wobble or a firm, confident step there, that’s a mountain climber 🧗‍♀️ or high jumper, that is. That’s a daily average of 3,341 corpses Jan 20-26.

146,640 new Cases reported on Jan. 26, President Biden’s sixth full day in office. Which is very low, relatively, and very, very far from the goal, zero.

4,870 new Deaths reported on Jan. 26, Biden’s sixth day in office. Which is VERY high absolutely and very, VERY far from the goal, zero.

And so those are the lovely reports on this lovely day. Muaw.