Friday, January 22, 2021

Okay, I'm not looking forward to this (I never do), especially to this night's COVID numbers (for Nov. 21st) because they're the first entirely on President Biden's watch. No, they're those reported on Nov. 21, not those who were sickened or died on Nov. 21; yes, he inherited a mess, multiple messes, this is just one of them; and no, he cannot be expected to run to the hospital and try to save somebody or personally deliver a ventilator or whatever, but. But he signed up for this job and we are not playing Ron Klain's or CDC's, expectations game here; the goal is ZERO, any non-zero number is FAILURE. There is going to be accountability and that is going to start with a simple, reasonable bright-line rule: those reported positive and those reported dead on Nov. 21 were reported sickened or dead on President Biden's watch and not on 46-1's. To it, then...