With the thought that viewpagers have not had the opportunity in the past hour to view any of the pages Christian soldier Jenna Ryan's SelfLoveU blog, we have done that for y'all and c'all yinz attention to these here. (Jenna has a page (it's actually many pages) of "Quotes by Jenna Ryan."))
Which is what Jenna done did!
Jenna lists herself as available to help others with the following life issues:
So that's what that is. Wisely, Jenna did not offer herself to help with remedial spelling.
Be that as it may dear Jenna, if after thorough introspection you conclude that you do not lack self love and rather, have an abiding belief that you are worthless, be courageous enough to hang yourself in gaol.
1/16/21, 1:04 p.m.
It now becomes our disagreeable duty to duly record here that famed devout Christian real estate agent and “life coach” Jenna Ryan,
of Frisco, TX...Jenna, show yourself to the people,
thank you, that’s Jenna there making the V for Vacuous sign aboard a private plane she and other freedom fighters and life coaches took to D.C. to participate in various activities of the criminal life style, for which Jenna was arrested :(
Upon strong circumstantial evidence...actually, now upon reading the sworn criminal complaint...that is the aforesame Jenna at the airport in the top photograph and, that’s Jenna making unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol in the bottom photograph. Legally blonde, and correlatively, illegally stupid, Jenna haplessly recorded her felonious self, viz:
“we are going to f---ing go in
here. Life or death, it doesn’t matter. Here we go,”
RYAN then turned on her rear facing camera--exposing her face-- and stated,
“y’all know who to hire for your realtor. Jenna Ryan for your realtor.”
[Thinking quickly! Plugging the business while committing crimes! Indeed we do know who to call Jenna! The gendarmes thanks you for that self-plug.]
By minute 08:45 of the video, RYAN has made
it to the front door of the building, clearly desecrated, with broken glass windows shattered, and
security alarms sounding, as she yells,
“U-S-A! U-S-A!” and “here we are, in the name of Jesus!”
And pronounced her felonious accomplishment one of the best days of her life. We hope Jenna is always as happy in her days life coaching in prison as she was on 1/6/21.
1/16/21. 11:30 a.m.
Els and Gees, presenting newly minted inmate Dominic “Spaz” Pezzola from Rochester, NY.
According to a cooperating witness quoted in court papers, Mr. Pezzola...and the mob he led intended to kill “anyone they got their hands on,” the witness said, including Ms. Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Pezzola, a boxer known as Spaz, was intent on returning to Washington with his group next week to wreak more havoc at President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s inauguration, according to the witness. “They plan to kill every single person they can.”9/14/21, 9:56 pm
Man, if tits were brains... LUV big tits. Not a hirsute fetishist, though.
Peter Francis Stager, Conway, Arkansas. Sooie Pig, Sooie!
Do you see what I mean? You think I just make fun of these guys because I hate them but that's not the exclusive reason. Look at the bullet-shaped head, the small cranial capacity. Look at the too-close-together eyes. We have seen that repeatedly in these guys. There is something organically wrong with these people. They're the issue of brother and sister or their mother got too close to Chernobyl or something...Drat! Now I've forgotten what this critter's name is...
Okay, Kevin Seefried--See? Kevin Fried,--Laurel, Delaware, arrested. See Kevin? zzzzzz Fried.
Look at this dope.
Chester Fire Department. Dude, why didn't you just tape your name to your forehead, "Robert Sanford, Delco, Pa. Call 800-ASS FUCK"? Arrested.
1/14/21, 1:34 pm
Andrew Williams, arsonist,
and firefighter, Sanford, Fl, now an orderly at the Gray Bar Hotel.
1/14/2021 7:53 a.m.
America has no native criminal class except police.
Jacob Fracker (just say no to fracking) and Sgt. Thomas Robinson, Rocky Mount, Virginia, Police Department have been arrested.
1/14/2021 11:01 pm
She’s sort of cute, for a fascist cunt. Klete Keller, Colorado Springs, Co., American Olympic gold medal swimmer, arrested in the fascist coup d’etat.
1/13/21 3:30 pm
Robert Keith Packer, Hampton Roads, Va., arrested.
1/12/2021, 1:10 pm
Aaron Mostofsky, son of a Brooklyn judge who mated with a Shewolf, arrested.
1/11/2021 11:14 pm
Mark Leffingwell, brain-damaged in Iraq, Seattle, arrested.
Lonnie Coffman, Falkville, Al. arrested.
Merry Christmas, Lonnie!
1/11/2021, 10:52 a.m.
Douglas Sweet, Hudgins, Va., arrested.
Explaining his actions Douglas stated, “First of all, you're not going to get in there unless you walk right in.”
Sweet Doug and Cindy Sue Fitchett from Cobbs Creek, Va.,
the first sow to be arrested, are apparently an item! They traveled together to participate in the Trump Coup, Doug spoke fondly of Cindy Sue after committing their crimes, “Personally, I am proud of what Miss Cindy Sue Fitchett and I accomplished.”, which is to diminish the racial imbalance in U.S. prisons, and now they can celebrate their accomplishments together in lockup!
1/10/2021, 8:02 pm
This has become my most fun topic.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, Nashville, TN, arrested.
1/9/2021 10:39 pm
Many Trump supporters are the product of incestuous unions. Derrick Evans from Deliverance, for example. Some, like poor Nicholas Rodean, clearly have sustained some brain damage at some point outside the womb and appear to get by in life with steel plates in their heads. Larry "Snoopy" Brock, Jr.,
an Air Force combat veteran, had half his skull blown away in Afghanistan and wears a steel plate on the outside of his head. Very unusual. Larry carries a passel of plastic handcuffs with him everywhere he goes, as here in the well of the Senate Wednesday, as emergency stays to keep the plate securely fastened. Larry has been arrested.
1/9/21 7:21 pm
This is the most updated post in history.
Derrick Evans is a Delegate (state representative) from Deliverance, Wv. He was just sworn in.
He was also just arrested in the Trump Coup.
Derrick, don't open your mouth so wide cause you don't look handsome when you do it.
1/9/2021 7:03 pm
Aaron Mostofsky of Brooklyn, New York
Adam Christian Johnson of Parrish, Florida
Anthony Tammaro
Bradley F. Rukstales of Inverness, Illinois
Cindy Fitchett of Cobbs Creek, Virginia
Christopher Alberts of Maryland
Dakoda Westfall
David Blair of Clarksburg, Maryland
David Booth
Derrick Evans of Prichard, West Virginia
Douglas “Doug” Austin Jensen of Des Moines, Iowa
Douglas Black
Douglas Sweet of Hudgins, Virginia
Earl Glosser of North Carolina
Eduardo Alvear
Elizabeth Koch of Maryville, Tennessee
Emily Lewis
Eric Black
Grant Moore of Bufford, Georgia
James DeFalco
James Smawley of North Carolina
James Sinclair
Jay Thaxton of North Carolina
Jenna Ryan of Frisco, Texas
Jenny Haning Cudd of Midland, Texas
Jere Brower of North Carolina
John Anderson of St. Augustine, Florida
Jonathan McKinley
Jon Ryan Schaffer of Tampa, Florida
Josiah Colt of Boise, Idaho
Kristina Malimon of Oregon
Kristopher Drew
Lance Grames of North Carolina
Larry Rendall Brock, Jr. of Dallas, Texas
Leonard Guthrie of Cape May, New Jersey
Libby Andrews
Lonnie Coffman of Falkville, Alabama
Mark Leffingerwell
Matthew Bair
Matthew Council of Riverview, Florida
Matthew Heimbach
Michael Jones of North Carolina
Michael Curzio of Summerfield, Florida
Nicholas Rodean of Frederick, Maryland
Nick DeCarlo
Nick Ochs
Paul Davis of Texas
Philip Mulhollen
Richard M. Barnett of Gravette, Arkansas
Rick Saccone of Pennsylvania
Rodney Taylor of Oregon
Sean Bare
Tara Coleman
Terry Brown of Myerstown, Pennsylvania
Tim Scarboro of North Carolina
Thomas Gallgher of Bridgewater, New Hampshire
Thomas Haines
Will Pepe
Zach Crandall
Yevgemya Malimon of Oregon
Zandra Sixkiller-Cramer of Glenwood, Maryland
a male teacher from Allentown, Pennsylvania
a Seattle Police Department officer
another Seattle Police Department officer
1/9/2021, 6:41 pm

Cleveland Grover Meredith, Hiawassee, Ga, arrested.
Bradley Rukstales, Inverness, Il, arrested. Bradley was terminated from his employment also. :(
Nicholas Rodean, Frederick, Md., arrested. Nicholas is the unfortunate young man with the cognitive deficits mentioned in an earlier post. Nicholas wore his employee identification lanyard while breaking and entering the Capitol and as a result has been fired from his job.
Doug Jensen, Des Moines, Ia., arrested. And fired.
Jake Angeli, Phoenix, Az, arrested.
1:48 pm 1/9/2021
Kansas City Star Editorial Board, Jan. 8.
If Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley had a conscience, he’d resign. He’ll have to be removed
Houston Chronicle Editorial Board, Jan. 8.
Resign, Senator Cruz. Your lies cost lives.
1/9/2021 1:38 pm
This is from Randall Lane chief content officer and editor of Forbes magazine.
Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.
1/8/2021 3:42 pm
Man pictured with foot on desk in Pelosi's office is arrested
Richard Barnett of Arkansas.
Ya can run but ya cain't hide.We comin' for ya, piggies! Gonna gitch ya too.
1/8/21 6:26 a.m.
At least four Fascist Party participants in Wednesday's coup d'etat are jobless as a result. That's in addition to the Chief of Capitol Police, the Senate Sergeant at Arms, the House Sergeant at arms, Betty Devos, Elaine Chao, Mick Mulvaney, and thirty-six other Brownshirts who currently have their pictures up in the Post Office. Considering it's Friday at 6 a.m., that ain't bad!
So, naming names, the four most recent, actually three are named:
-Paul Davis, Texas attorney.
-A man whose face reflects a prior botched lobotomization who worked for Navistar and wore company id around his neck as he was perpetrating the coup. Poor thing.
-Rick Saccone, Dr. Rick Saccone, a Ph.D apparently, who taught at Saint Vincent College in Pennsylvania.
-Walter West, the Sergeant at Arms of the Texas Fascist Party. (What's with all the Sergeants at Arms?)
-Derrick Evans. We're adding a fifth to name four even though this Fascist Party Delegate, just elected from Deliverance, West Virginia hasn't lost his job yet, if being a West Virginia Delegate is considered a "real" job.
Our goals: