Sunday, January 24, 2021


This is good, guys!

That's the New York Times' Cases 7-day average and the 14-day changes. You cannot find anywhere else in U.S. coronavirus history near the steep,sustained dive that Cases have taken since Jan. 8. That is  fifteen straight 7-day averages in sharp decline. Obviously, that is not a blip, that drop is 12-13 iterations beyond bliphood. And in the latest 14-day change iteration (through Jan.23) all three categories are in negative territory, the first that that has happened in awhile. And look at that number for Cases---31%!!!  Woo-HOO!

I have not been able to find an explanation why this has occurred, but occurred it has.

Now Deaths...

...Deaths are a downer, but not much. In the Jan. 21 iteration of the 7-day average there were 3,078 Deaths per day; in the 22nd's, 3,076, down two; in yesterday's, 3,073, down three A WHOLE FIVE in three days of seven-days. That's an insult to down.

Those are all from NYT. These are from Johns Hopkins:

Joe Biden is responsible for 172,650 new Infections reported on Jan. 23.
Joe Biden is responsible for 3,332 new Deaths reported on Jan. 23.

The goal in both is ZERO. Those are not zero. Those are a FAIL.