Monday, January 18, 2021

Day Three: Nothing

State capital protests draw minimal crowds; security remains on alert ahead of inauguration

Annual pro-gun event at Virginia fizzles in wake of U.S. Capitol siege

A jittery nation days before Inauguration

Christianity's terrorists are much like Islam's: It starts with the preachers, is messianic, is perpetrated guerrilla style, is perpetrated in ambushes, often random, is directed against soft targets, creates spectacles so that the populace cannot ignore it, is psy-op--create terror and fear, it never goes away. So far, there is one distinction. Christianity's terrorists do not kill nearly as much.

For all of those reasons except "never goes away" Christianity may not attack Americans or the Republic tomorrow or Wednesday, Inauguration Day. Christianity may choose to lull Americans and the government into a false sense of security and then strike. Religious terrorism never goes away.