Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hate, Heat; Death Cheat; Rinse, Repeat

You know it just occurred to me as I was in the shower--It occurred to me that I do an inordinate amount of thinking in the shower--Pat Riley learned his lesson from the Summer of  '14. The next "Heat" Superteam is going to be anchored by a Big Three of villains only.

Riles takes credit for the original Big Three, the "Heatles"; says every decision he made was pointed toward the Summer of 2010. But really...The truth is the "Heatles" were a Dwyane Wade Production. D-Wade recruited LeBron; he and LeBron got Chris Bosh. Only D-Wade of the original Big Three was a "Heat" Culture guy. LeBron, LeBron just wanted to win a goddamned championship, he didn't care where, he had spent the first seven years of his career drowning in Lake Mistake. His primo bff had already gotten a ring in Miami. Get Bosh and voila! LeBron was not a villain, for goddsake. Four years and two rings later he left to win one for his other bff Dan Gilbert. Bosh was not a villain. D-Wade was a villain. "Nah ah, I ain't going out this way." D-Wade was a smiling villain.

Jimmy Butler is a villain. Joel Embiid is a villain. Giannis is a villain. Villains are not satisfied with one or two "not three! not four! not five!..." No: true villains, Pat Riley villains are never satisfied; they are motivated by hate; they hate losing more than they love winning; they hate losing so much that even one loss is death. They hate death to death by winning.