Sunday, February 16, 2020

This is maybe the best video on any subject I have ever watched. It is the finest, best-done, most educational, most informative, most intelligently conceived and made vid on war or battle. Better in my opinion than all of Ken Burns’ Civil War segments put together. It is unique: not an overview, not bifocal, it is the Battle of Midway based upon what the Japanese high command, Admiral Yamamoto, and fleet commander Nagumo knew and when they knew it. The maker, Montemayor, presents to viewers in clear terms "Nagumo's Dilemma," puts us in his shoes and invites us to make the decision ourselves in the fifteen minutes that Nagumo had.  Montemayor could conduct a university level symposium class on Midway with this video. And he’s an amateur! This is homemade! My one complaint, seconding others in the comments section, is that there is not yet a Part Two! It is just brilliant Effes and Ees. I was frigging blown the fuck away.