Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Creed of the Hated

President Roosevelt, Pat Riley, Rod Smart, Jimmy Butler: I have had occasion once or twice in life to evince some modicum of courage, to stand up, alone, to be counted, and to court hatred, and it is because I have stood on their shoulders and on those of our peculiar character, and welcomed the hatred of others.

We share the creed of the hated, not the creed of haters. FDR did not say “And I hate them too!” That would be an example of the hater’s creed. FDR spoke the creed of the hated better than anyone ever has. “They are unanimous in their hatred of me. And I welcome their hatred!”  "We are not for everybody," Erik Spoelstra says all the time. We hated are not for anybody sometimes.

We love, oh my we love deeply, the moreso for the precious rarity. But we want to inspire you sincerely to hate us; we do not want to hate you, we will not hate you, we want enemies. We are not friends but enemies. We must not be friends.

Friends and enemies, for those of you without the hatred gene, and for those who hate us, thank you sincerely, and good night.