Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Holy hell. Just a minute ago was the first time I had every googled the song that accompanied the video in the last post. Since I first saw that video I have thought the music the uploader chose was perfect, better even than the eponymous song. The music is haunting, it rises, sinks, rises again, and then just ends. Just like the ----. I have done no research into this. I do not know who Nightwish is. These then are my first impressions of seeing "Sleeping Sun." 

Spectacular voice. Classically trained, I bet.

Not American. She doesn't look American. Looks to me Russian. Scandinavian? The English is perfect though. The scenery does not look American to me. The setting reminded me of a shoreline painting by Odd Nerdrum.

The edge of the forest imagery...Well, my mother at critical times of her life had a recurring dream. She was in a field on the edge of a wood. Her deceased father was on the other side of the field. "Come Jean," he would beckon her. "No daddy, I'm not ready." He would put his head down sadly and walk away. I cannot go on I am sorry...