Thursday, February 13, 2020


You know, that goddamned +/- stat has only been included by the NBA in box scores since 2007/08. I think they got it from hockey of all disreputable sources. So stupid is the +/- that everybody, cognos and non compos immediately started going like this here

and came up with their own plusy-minusy thingy. ESPN has "Real Plus Minus," real imaginative there Espos, and has PIE, player impact estimate. I tried to digest PIE tonight but it wouldn't go down. I don't know what the money shot number means. All I got from it was that Jimmy was 18th or 19th in the league and Duncan was like 300th. 

I swore off +/- in past seasons but it's an attractive nuisance, you know? It's the last goddamned stat in the box score before points, what are you supposed to do, not look? Actually, I found out a way not to see it. If you turn your goddamned iPhone vertically the stat line is too long for the screen and the +/- is razored off; if you hold it horizontally however, the demon appears.