Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Three-Day Blow.

The sun is out? The skies are clearing. Ah, a new day!

What just happened? Hurricane Song.

The wind was noticeable on Monday, and I noted it. But I never checked the "instruments," never googled Song; hardly read the New York Times anymore, didn't check the Times. Check the news frequently but this was too "niche" to make the top stories immediately. Monday night, late. In bed, in my boxers and a t-shirt. One last news check and, unusually, an email check. My new China friend was the first to inform me, at 2:58 am of the 13th but the first one I saw, emails being displayed most recent to most remote, was from Dr. Ruth at 12:09 pm.

"did you see this?!!??!" (subject heading)

There was a link.

I saw what it was about.


"Holy fucking Christ."

I called Carmen at 11:24 pm.



JR-BH, BH-JR...Twenty times in total.

BH-Dr. Weimin Mo, WM-BH...Twelve times.

Greg, my new China friend, eight times.

Emails to Dr. Youqin Wang, Zhou Jineng.

Writing, writing, writing, 14 posts total.

400-500 extra clicks.

Back to normal.