Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From a friend in China:

"On the internet, some of my compatriots welcome Song’s apology. They believe it is necessary for more people to stand up. Ironically, a photo taken in 2011 shows that Song with Mao Zedong's concubines--Zhang Yufeng together were celebrateing their glorious time in the Cultrual Revolution.Can anyone with common sense believe the reality and authenticity of Song's apology? Rumors say Song in private told that it is Deng Rong, the youngest girl of Deng Xiaoping, who beat Bian first. This may explain why Song does not mention the real murder in public. So, in a country without basic speech freedom, I would prefer to believe Song's public apology is just a show,like the
 Morning Sun, a little part of big show directed by the ruling CCP party.

Mr. Harris, do you wonder how can I contact you?
In some way, I‘d say the world is too small.
Recently a post about you and your deeds is spreading in our twitter-like social media, Weibo. The title of the post is a respectful foreigner(Chinese:一位可敬的洋鬼子). The author, Mr. Chow, whom you must know, reported you and your perseverance for the victim’s justice of RC. Most of the readers sing high of you and they repost this post to pay their tribute to you, though you don't know all of this. And I fortunatly read the post, too. Then I visited your homepage. So here I am.
Is it amazing?:) I’d convey our fellow citizens' respect and likeness to you and your family.

The attachment is Mr. Chow‘s post about you in picture format.

Salute to you."

Ah, my old friend Zhou Jineng, star of Red Art!  Bless his heart. And "Greg" here. God bless the Chinese people. Most of them.