Sunday, May 31, 2020

Target Closes 175 Stores Nationwide In Wake Of George Floyd Protests, Looting


Protesters are not looters and looters are not protesters. 

I went to the Miami Target in Mid-Town this morning, open as open. Oh! But that reminds me. A curious thing happened when I left Target. I was in the parking lot walking to my car. There was a young black guy maybe 20 feet in front of me and a black woman and her young daughter further from, but walking toward, me. I heard the young guy say to the woman "something-something closed." The woman and I made eye contact and we held the eye contact. I got closer to her and asked, "Did he say something was closed?" "He said Target was closed." "Target's not closed," I said indignantly. "I just came from there," and pointed to my red Target shopping cart. "It's not closed, I don't know why he said it was closed," I said and then continued to my car. That was weird.