Sunday, May 31, 2020

The hundreds of people of all different races and ages packed Miami streets in what was supposed to be a protest over the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police, more than a thousand miles away in Minneapolis last Monday.

“I think this helps to show how many people are outraged by this senseless murder,” one protester said.

With tensions mounting across the country, city of Miami leaders joined forces earlier Saturday with the faith-based community to issue a message of calm.

“What you saw on that video was hate," Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina said regarding the video that has been widely circulated of the white Minneapolis police officer with his knee in Floyd’s neck. Colina pleaded with Miami protesters to not vandalize the city.

“I want to urge our citizens to please demonstrate peacefully, we want you to exercise your first amendment right. We want you to get whatever pains and anguish you’re feeling inside, out but we want you to do it in an appropriate manner,” Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said during a morning meeting with pastors and Colina.

Hey, don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. There you have Chief Colina again; there you have the Mayor of Miami telling you "we want you to exercise your first amendment right"--they were on your side, and you take it out on them. You have embarrassed a well-meaning POLICE CHIEF WHO SIDED WITH YOU! A MAYOR WHO ENCOURAGED YOU TO PROTEST! AND YOU TOOK IT OUT ON THEM. You embarrassed THEM. everyone was on your side, my son and I were on your side, you couldn't miss the opportunity to be on he opposite side. You guys have fucked the fuck up.