Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Trump Death

Did not think I'd be up late enough to do this, but at 10:41 my night sort of changed, know what I mean?

Okay, first Hopkins:
24,100 new cases May 30, two hundred short of May 29's tally. That's a pretty sturdy looking wall isn't it? Yeah it's got spikes in the center and it's higher there but it is at least 18.3k high from May 30 going all the way back to March 28. Over two full months. That does not pleasure me.

That pleasures me more. Looks like the goddamned Rock of Gibralter.

Solid like a rock, babe. Still very imposing BUT down baby, down. Stone stepping down. Zig-zaggin', make up your mind jaggin', DOWN. CLEARLY.

5.86% Trump all-time Kill rate. Inching lower.


WaPo has 23.6k cases May 30, 500 fewer than the Johnnies. Whaddya gonna do? What a difference two days makes. WaPo's Cases line is seven days and you get a swaying suspension bridge cable feel. Hopkins, five days, you're stepping on a fucking broken bottle. WaPo's dog's tail has elongated and tipped UP. What frustrates me about the seven-day line is just how lazy it appears, like, dude, don't rush me, chill, I'm going down. Yeah, okay, CAN YOU  PICK UP THE FUCKING PACE THERE BRUH!


103,781 Hopkins

102,577 WaPo. Off by 1,200, one of them, I think WaPo. Whatever.

Hopkins doesn't have a Deaths chart, can you believe that?, so we go with WaPo's.

I've always like WaPo's Deaths so much better. That's an okay rollercoaster ride, lots of ups and downs, some deep drops make ya lose your lunch and then coasting to...a landing? Well, it looks like that, a four-day seven-day average landing but t'ain't a landing. That's a flat ol' rock through four full days, slight tilt down. In that entire graph there never has been a line that flat for that long. Never. Tension in flat lines. You know it's not staying there but you don't know whether it's going to go up or down.

So that's that. I'm just going to get pissed if I look at the time.