Monday, May 25, 2020

The Trump Death

The Johnnies and Chief WaPo have not resolved their counting difficulties. Trump has killed either 97,772 (Hopkins) or "at least" 96,662 (WaPo).

WaPo's seven-day Deaths line is awesome.
That baby has been heading south since April 21 (April 15-21). The tail hangs out there unnaturally-looking, until you see similar bridges hanging from the spans of May 15 and 19, May 7 and 12, April 30 and May 5, April 25 and 28, April 22 and 25, April 17 and 21, and April 11 and 14. The architecture of the death and sickness of the Trump Epidemic as depicted in these graphs is a beautiful awfulness.

Look at Hopkins daily cases graph for May 19-24.
Another skyscraper. A lower story replication of the perfect "Empire State Building," April 28-May 3.

WaPo's seven-day line is still stuck in the mire on that stubborn plateau.

The seven-day line forms bridges over case troughs, too and a rhythmically swaying suspension bridge from April 11-25. An awful beauty.