Friday, May 29, 2020

The Trump Death* #


3:16 pm:
*Update. In the last seven minutes the Death toll has risen by eighty-five to 102,286.

That's 503 more Deaths in the last two one-half hours.

5.90% Trump's Kill efficiency.

And then there is this:

Twitter flags Trump, White House for ‘glorifying violence’ after tweeting Minneapolis looting will lead to ‘shooting’

He does glorify violence, he encourages it, and the Low Lifes obey. 

Police suffocated unarmed George Floyd, a black man, who they suspected of passing a counterfeit bill. The murder (One of the officers was charged with third degree murder today) was captured on video, the four police officers involved were immediately fired, and police chiefs around the nation immediately condemned the murder in the strongest language.

Last night a Minneapolis police station surrendered to protesters and was promptly torched. Trump:

“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts."

Twitter actually hid that tweet from readers. The official White House Twitter feed then re-tweeted it, leading to Twitter flagging it.

There you go again.