Sunday, May 31, 2020

An NYPD SUV, being pelted by water bottles and other material, deliberately rammed through the barricade holding the protesters back, and into the crowd. There is no excuse for that! NONE! That SUV was a deadly weapon. The officer used it to run over people. He could have backed out, he was right up against the barricade, he was in no immediate danger.

And I am disturbed by Mayor Bill de Blasio's response. "Wish the officer hadn't done that" but the protesters started it! They "surrounded" the police vehicle (NOT true) and the officer "had to get out of there." He could have gotten out of there. All he had to do was back the fuck up. de Blasio always gets it wrong, he is tone deaf. Evita got it right:

@NYCMayor your comments tonight were unacceptable.

As mayor, this police department is under your leadership.

This moment demands leadership & accountability from each of us. Defending and making excuses for NYPD running SUVs into crowds was wrong.

Make it right. De-escalate.