Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Trump Death May 28 Finis

2305 is close enough to 2400 for government work, and for my sleep needs. I am asked to believe the following:

1) That Johns Hopkins updates their Trump Epidemic stats in real time.
2) That there were 997 deaths in 2'19" between 5:50 p.m. E.T. and 8:09 p.m. E.T.
3) That there were 43 Deaths in the 3'31' between 8:09 p.m. and 11:40 p.m.

The undersigned is not the White Queen. He cannot believe three impossible things before going to bed, but those are indeed what the Johnnies report.

We turn to the noble Chief WaPo of the Undercounting Tribe for the seven-day trend lines, viz:


The inchworm on the tail of the dog is up and is more tenuously anchored on land after successfully bridging the May 24-27 trough. The daily bars of cases the last two days are up, May 28's partial but almost complete bar is at 22,332; May 27's was 19.1k. in excess of May 26ths 17k. You have to go back to May 27 for a daily count in excess of May 28's but these last two squeamish days have had no effect on the trend line since April 25 and the May 18-23 plateau is since clearly downhill. I don't like these last two days and I wonder what direction the bar for May 29 is going in. Inchword ain't humpin' up if May 29 is up. It'll flatten.

The May 22-27 bridge over the Death trough has firmly anchored on land and looks to become bolted more securely with the solid straight line of May 27 into May 28  The seven-day average trend lines are always the money shots in WaPo's graphs and the Deaths trend line has always been the more impressive of the two: This would be a fucking roaring bear market if the the stock market index. Trend lines good to excellent, repeat, repeat, repeat. Good night, good night, good night.