Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Signs of rebirth are everywhere. They are simultaneously scary and wonderful."

I like the sound of that lede by Henry Olsen .

The United States and the world marked a turning point in the covid-19 crisis this weekend. Things started to open up...

Signs of rebirth were everywhere. Many more states allowed restaurants and retail stores to cautiously serve patrons again. Live sports were again on television as NASCAR and the German Bundesliga held their contests in empty stadiums. Two tourist-reliant European countries, Iceland and Italy, announced they would permit international travelers to return without quarantine periods by mid-June. The icy lockdown has begun to melt.

[Like winter and a return from hibernation. A forced hibernation is what it has felt like to me.]

That’s not to say that the new normal is normal. I’m a soccer fanatic, [ich auch] and so I viewed three Bundesliga games on cable television. It was eerie without fans; [Oh!] I hadn’t realized how much their reactions and cheers were part of the experience until they were gone. Hearing the stadium operators pump out music through the loudspeakers when the home team scored without accompanying fan celebration was more than odd. That and the shots of bench players wearing masks and social distancing from their teammates [Oh! Oh!] on the sidelines were reminders of the dangers we have all just lived through.

No, not normal at all. Still surreal. I received an appointment, which I accepted, by the court to represent a defendant yesterday and I started wondering how they are going to reopen the courts. Lawyers talk a lot. What we say in court must be recorded. The masks annoy me. How are we going to be heard through masks, if they are required in court? How, in God's name, is social distancing to work in courthouses? In both of the courthouses where I practice keeping six feet distance between people is literally impossible and if that is accepted as an impossibility will the courts only reopen when social distancing is no longer required and when might that be?