Sunday, May 24, 2020

Epidemic Trump May 22 Final Numbers

I gotta stop doing these post-midnight things. It's WAY past my bedtime. But I so hate to disappoint all six of you. Okay, lightning round.

Cases seven-day trend line tail DOWN a smidge.
AS predicted HERE. And the last twenty-one days look like comme ci comme ca a dippity-do, too. It definitely is. The May 21-23 trend line is definitely down a little. The cases trend line is unambiguously down since reporting date April 26 encompassing the period April 20-26. GREAT SUCCESS! I am a little concerned with the seven-day average plateau since May 15 (May 9-23). That really is a pretty "stubborn" plateau: 22.5k cases May 23, 23.9k May 22, 25.4k May 21, 22.7k May 20, 19.7k, 21.5k, 19.5 k, 24.8k, 25k on May 15. I got nothing against twenty-somethings but, sorry, not when it comes to Trump Virus cases and seven of the last nine have been 20k+ with only two, barely, teenagers. That's just a shitload too many cases for my comfort since reopening, just a fucking shitload too many, to my taste.


Deaths will be the death of my analytical skeels. It's up, the dog's tail is clearly up, more clearly up than the cases line is clearly down. The Deaths seven-day line has been in steeper decline than the cases line since April 25 (April 19-25). It did level off May 22 (May 16-22) and then rose a bit, but a clear bit, May 23. We had a three-day plateau May 13-15 (May 7-15) and a five-day plateau May 5-9 (April 29-May 9. Both plateaus were followed by off-the-cliff drops. In historical context, I'm not worried. I think that dog's gonna tuck his tail shortly. But a shitload of people have to survive the barrage of 20-something-k daily cases since May 9. How's that gonna happen? Dude, I do not fucking know. Ask Fauci if he hasn't been disappeared.

Finally let's take a peek-see at the Johnnies' raws.

97,087 Cumulative number of people Killed all-time by IdjitDJT. That is just a little over the total popular of Stalinist-sounding Federal Way, Washington.

I don't know what the fuck that is, a fucking Klan March? Too many white people gathered together spells trouble, and I have no interest in finding out on accounta everybody there is dead. Thoughts and prayers.

5.98% Tump Kill efficiency.. Maybe that's how. If that is not an aberration, and it has been trending down for the last few little days maybe forces unknown are lowering the mortality. That rate is now eight one-hundreds off Trump's high, a significant decline.