Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Glorious Architecture of the Trump Epidemic

Majestic, symmetrical skyscrapers, elegant, swaying suspension bridges, plateaus, mountain peaks, dog tails and inch worms, for weeks now we have seen with our eye's mind more than meets the mind in the data graphs of the Trump Epidemic.

Death's dog tail is today as straight, flat, and hard as a table top but I had not noticed before the beautiful symmetry in WaPo's Death bar graph rendered in pastel lavender against white. Look at the structures made by the bars of April 28-May 3 and May 5-19. They are near replications of each other. There are less precisely similar but nonetheless recognizable as part of a template patterns to the bar segments for May 12-16 and May 19-23. In each of the four segments a Death's bar suddenly, breathtakingly rears up out of a trough, and then the next day stands even higher, more ominously, before slowly, in one, two, three, four, five days, one, two, three, four sounding back into the mire and disappearing. The Beast is a mire creature that must inevitably return for its sustenance and then when renourished break rise and break the surface again in a great leap.
The rhythmic suspension bridge cables of WaPo's seven-day warm pink Cases line has long trailed off over the expanse to ground again on terra firma. The inch worm humps up today.

Johns Hopkins Cases bar graph is rendered in dramatic orange-on-black contrast, it's a sickly orange. The elegant, scalloped Chrysler Building is this skyline's most arresting sight, but for three buildings to the viewer's left and one to the right the template's perfection is apparent, albeit in pale imitation. There are also two modern styled terraced structures, one right-oriented at far left, the other left-oriented at near right. And then at far right, a work in progress, a boxy structure of formidable solidity, almost as wide as it is high, a fortress, perhaps a prison high-rise, forbidding, impregnable.

May 27 was a record sixth day in succession of gently decreasing Trump Virus cases for Hopkins. Incomprehensibly to the undersigned while Hopkins' Cases declined a sixth step from 18.6k to 18.3k on May 27 the Washington Post's number increased from 17k to 19.1k, pretty significant numerical differences, but also a reversal in direction of the most recent trend and a different look on the graph.