Friday, May 29, 2020

Epidemic Trump

This is really interesting! The Johnnies have more resources than I realized. First, this is an overlaid five-day trend line map of the ten hardest-hit countries.

We're in green, the line that dwarfs the other top ten combined. That shows comparatively just how shockingly bad Epidemic Trump has dealt with the Trump Epidemic.

Then the Johnnies have individual maps for each of the top-ten countries. Most of them look like a volcano or mountain peak that just towers over the countryside.

Italy's Mt. Vesuvius.

Spain is another volcano.

See, as bad as it was, and it was HORRIBLE in Italy, the governments were functional and just knocked it flat on its ass.

Switzerland's Matterhorn:

France. Look at that pale daily spike right before the five-day spike. 26.849k cases that day. There is nothing like that in any other country's graph. Macron took a sledgehammer to that sucker.

And then there's the U.S.
A grandma's pat on the butt. Naughty, naughty, not too much infecting now! A kinder, gentler, stupider approach.

The U.S. graph doesn't look as similar to other countries' graphs as the group of competently governed "mountain" countries graphs do to each other. The U.S. trend is generally, consistently, but gradually down. The U.K.'s graph looks kinda like the U.S.' but they got real serious the first week in May and got a huge drop.

The U.S. map has the herkie-jerkies like Sweden's map, but Anders, oh my God Anders, you done fucked up, Anders, Sweden's herkie-jerkies don't go down over time like the U.S.'s do.

So, you can roughly group the U.S. with the other failures at life like the U.K. and Sweden. You cannot group the U.S. with the governments that knew what they were doing.