Wednesday, May 27, 2020

We’re going to remember this day.

Did anybody see this coming today? I’m in shock. Ev-ery fuck-ing time we think we’ve TURNED THE CORNER! something happens that just smacks us back to reality. This happened so fast. Deaths were on the clearest trend line down. And then SMACK! Cases are up over yesterday, too. But Deaths, jeezus Deaths, wtf? The tail of WaPo’s dog gonna tick up after this day’s over! The bitch of it is you don’t know if this is a harbinger. You don’t know where it’s going ‘cause you don’t know where it came from! Right after I checked Hopkins I got on WaPo. There was another article that headlined, “It may never go away.” What is the cash value of that, that there’s going to be no vaccine? That we’re “going to have to live with” this? That every three months we’re going to lose another 100,000 people to this thing, ad infinitum? I’ll tell ya what, it has been proven that there is one way and one way only to beat this thing and that’s by drastic shutdown. Sweden, fucking Anders, Brazil, Britain, us, every country held up as an example of a kinder gentler way of dealing with this thing has been proved WRONG, DEAD wrong. You gotta test, test, test, trace, isolate, lockdown. Fucking “herd immunity.” I wrote a little while ago that Lockdown Street is one-way with one exit and no re-entry? That’s going to turn out true. Trump is not going to “recommend” that we go back to lockdowns. He got off when he got off and there’s no turning back. We’re going to have to live with it and die with it.