Friday, May 29, 2020

The Trump Death

Trumpie, ya hittin' the links manana? What say ye we take one final gander at your handicap tonight-o. I predict, this is a pretty safe prediction, that at least according to WaPo your Death handicap is gonna be up over yesterday :( I'll put your score up on the leader board so you won't have to squint. Your Cases handicap was up a few hours ago. Survey says!

102,808 Geez, that's only ten more than the last time we checked. That didn't hurt at all. Oh, it actually just went up one to 809 but don't worry I'm not changing it.

5.88% And your Kill rate is down to as low as it's been in a good while a good while.

Now we have to turn to Chief WaPo to get the relatives.

I was WRONG Trumpie. You still haven't caught yesterday according to the Chief. 1,170 deaths today to 1,207 yesterday. It's passed eleven bells, I think you're safe for an hour. Your seven-day trend line continues to head south, as it has for over a month. Your tail though is straight as your pecker with Stormy Daniels and the same length, three.

You had a bad case of the Cases today, though. 24,463, higher than any day for a week. Your Cases inchworm humped up an inch, no biggie. The overall line continues down. 

I think you're good for the night, boy, go to sleep and don't think about what might happen overnight.