Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What’s Coming Next Has Come*

*See May 5 and 10 posts.

BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – The scientist who created Florida's COVID-19 data portal wasn't just removed from her position on May 5, she was fired on Monday by the Department of Health, she said, for refusing to manipulate data.

Rebekah Jones... confirmed, as reported by CBS-12 in West Palm Beach that she was fired because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen.”
Researchers...reacted with shock and dismay, suggesting it could be evidence that the Gov. Ron De Santis' government was censoring information to support the case for re-opening Florida.

On April 25, Jones provided [by email] an explanation to why the data set would go from morning and evening daily updates to just once per day.
"We have been directed to start tracking data related to reopening, and it is consuming a lot of staff hours on very short notice."