Monday, May 18, 2020

Full Time Epidemic Trump May 17

Alrighty Mr. Johns, Mr. Hopkins I am up past midnight. The stats on which this post are based were accessed at 12:07 a.m. May 18. That shall be the post time, whenever it may be that I finish. Whatcha got Johnnies, and it better be accurate:

And it is! Release the balloons of joy.
19k new daily cases May 17. The third successive day of declines (although the previous two were seperated by only 100 cases, but still. And the lowest number of daily cases since March 27! I am not jumping up and down and grabbing my genitals in joy on accounta it's still a standard deviation (in looks anyway) from the rest of the graph, and because I'm still jaded at the earlier numbers, which didn't pan out. But I have to get out over that and now, I'm over it. 19,000 new cases is relatively good. May 18's numbers now are key. A fourth consecutive day of decline, especially off May 17's 1,225 decline will be most encouraging

Ex-Go-To-First-Ex-Quasi's, hello up there in "Steadily Decliningville"? How goes it?

It Blow-ow-ow's, echoing off the "stubborn plateau"

How much blow have you snorted?!

Fu-uh-ck you-ou!

Very well.  For the second day in a row the logarithmic graph has May 17 in the same place as May 16, 1.5M cases, a persistent, gentle acclivity.

So the daily numbers one last time, with feeling:

1,486,757 Cumulative cases of Trump Virus.

89,562 Cumulative number of people Killed by Donald Trump with Trump Virus.

6.02% Trump's Kill efficiency, unchanged from earlier, down four one-hundredths of a percent from his all-time high.

I am vindicated, the Johnnies are vindicated, the Ex'-Go-To-First Exes have feces all over their faces. I pledge my loyalty to noble Chief WaPo. Whoa! Oh whoa aow whoa aow aow aow, whoa aow, aow aow, whoa aow aow aow!