Thursday, May 07, 2020

Evidently the American southwest attracts nuts like Vince Gilligan and Cormac (ne Charles) McCarthy...

“McCarthy changed his name to Cormac to avoid association with the dummy Charlie McCarthy.”-Wikipedia

...I mean that in the best sense: artists whose creative imaginations are nihilistic and gratuitously violent. Neither Gilligan nor McCarthy have any attachment whatsoever to the American southwest. Both learned it for their art. McCarthy was born in Rhode Island and moved to Tennessee, his father was a prominent lawyer with the TVA. Gilligan was born and educated largely in Virginia. Both were raised Roman Catholics. Breaking Bad could absolutely be a TV serialization of one of McCarthy’s novels, it is that morally bankrupt. How these two alter boys came to be so twisted and to choose the southwest for their demented fiction is a subject for a doctor of medicine not law, but speaking of JD’s, the southwest ought to sue these tough guy manques for defamation. I mean, my God McCarthy you didn’t find the right stuff for your demonism in Rhode Island, the darkest state by size and per capita in the country? And you Gilligan, what, was Virginia’s setting too genteel for you among the slave quarters of Monticello, Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, the Confederate monuments lining the streets, and the battlefields? You want murder Gilligan, go to the Fredericksburg battlefield. “It was just murder” there and you had the Capital of Murder right there in front of your creative, imaginative face. Coulda said hello to my great, great grandfather buried and reburied somewhere in an unmarked grave thereabouts if it interested you which it obviously did not.

What synapse misfiring caused you two to turn away from the motherlodes of mayhem, Rhode Island and Virginia? You two collaborate? Vince, you take some “inspiration” from Charlie? All coincidental that hisn could be yourn and yourn could be hisn? I don’t believe that. I think Gilligan read McCarthy and McCarthy watched Gilligan and spilled his bodily essence in a frenzy of onanism.

Catholic priests bugger you guys? Did either of you know Jerry Sandusky? What made you turn out as the Eichmann and Heydrich of American arts? And are you sterilized and incapable of transmitting your peculiar DNA to another generation? A culturally sophisticated society, not the U.S.A. obviously, but myriad of other advanced societies can hope. But this is America, hope immigrates to America to die.