Saturday, May 02, 2020

Have you ever heard of the word "democide"? I had not. Never, ever. Had no idea what it meant. Know what it means? "the murder of persons by or at the behest of governments." And democide is distinguished from killing people in a war. According to this a between 429,000 and 1,119,000 South Vietnamese civilians, South Vietnamese soldiers and U.S. military personnel were killed in the Vietnam War. In addition though between 4,000 and 10,000 were victims of U.S. democide. Would that be like by Lt. William Calley (Oh, of course, he now lives in Miami. Of course he would...Oh, he was born in Miami!)? Like by war criminals? "At the behest of government," though...I don't know. I had never heard of the term before and even having the definition I don't know which victims of whom it covers.